Press Release
8 Jan 2024
PT Industri Jamu Dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk (Sido Muncul) received its fourth Proper Emas award in the Corporate Performance Appraisal Programme 2023 (Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan, “Proper”) from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Sido Muncul has received the Emas designation in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
In addition to the Proper Emas Award, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry also awarded Sido Muncul Director Irwan Hidayat his second Green Leadership Utama 2023. This award is a form of appreciation for CEOs of companies that achieved Proper Emas and implemented Extraordinary Turnarounds.
The awards were presented by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry, Alue Dohong. Receiving the awards on behalf of Sido Muncul was the Manager of Plant Cultivation and Spice Research Centre, Bambang Supartoko in a ceremony held at the Birawa Hall Hotel Bidakara on Wednesday (20 /11)
For the 2023 Proper Environmental Award, Sido Muncul proposed a community development programme called “INTISARI - Sambirata Integration Towards Independent Village” (Integrasi Sambirata Menuju Desa Mandiri) in Desa Sambirata, Kecamatan Cilongok, Kabupaten Banyumas, Central Java. Desa Sambirata has received support from Sido Muncul since 2018 until it was declared an independent village this year.
In addition, Sido Muncul made energy efficiency improvements by using chilled water system to replace freon in air conditioners. Sido Muncul also reduced emissions by up to 4.24 tonnes of CO2 by installing plate heat exchangers to cool the reverse osmosis water. Furthermore, Sido Muncul has a 3R programme for non-hazardous waste that uses tree pruning waste (wood and twigs) to fuel its 289-ton boiler.
Sido Muncul also makes several energy saving efforts, such as using high-speed machines and more environmentally friendly packaging. Sido Muncul now offers Tolak Angin in soft capsules and several other products in bottles.
This year, Sido Muncul was one of 79 Proper Emas winners. Irwan explained that one of his concerns is use of clean energy. Sido Muncul is committed to managing factory waste as well as using environmentally friendly and renewable energy in company operations.
"Sido Muncul received Proper Emas for the fourth time, and I received the Green Leadership Utama for the second time from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Sido Muncul always tries to achieve the best Proper designation. achievements were possible thanks to the Company’s good faith efforts with support from the environmental department team and its employees. I am very aware that protecting the environment is very important in doing business," said Irwan Hidayat.