

Jamoe Lifestyle Daun Sirsak

Hygienically processed to maintain health.

Product Overview

Natural traditional herbal ingredients that are hygienically processed to maintain health.

Health Benefits

Maintaining good health.

Active Ingredients

Rich sources of antioxidants with various health benefits. Acetogenin in soursop leaves may help fight cancer.

Direction for Use
  • 3 times per day @1 bottle or as needed.
  • Shake before drinking. Best served chilled.

Bottle, 152 ml.

  • Consulted with your doctor before use.
  • Only used as a dietary supplement during cancer therapy.
Product Safety
  • Jamoe Lifestyle Daun Sirsak is safe and complies with specifications for heavy metal and microbial contamination tests from the Laboratory of PT Industri Jamu Dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk which is certified by KAN and ISO 17025.
  • Jamoe Lifestyle Daun Sirsak has been Halal-certified.
  • Jamoe Lifestyle Daun Sirsak has been certified by Badan POM RI.
Lifestyle Suggestion

Get enough rest, exercise regularly, eat nutritious food and avoid stress.