Helps improve appetite and maintain digestive tract health.
BuyHerbal medicine that relieve fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, aches in muscles and bones after work, exercise or travel long distances, nourish and refresh the body.
Treat digestion problems, improve blood circulation and increase appetite so that the body becomes healthy
Asthma medication, stimulates appetite, reduces pain, blood purifier, appetite enhancer, arthritis medication, treats anemia, relieves stomach pain, and cures colds.
Reduce fever, treat headaches, flu, and back pain. Increase appetite, improve blood circulation, treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Accelerate healing, diuretics, relieve fever, control cholesterol, and treat digestive disorders.
Treating fever, dengue fever, malaria and chikungunya. Maintain a healthy digestive system and improve appetite.
Acne remedies, increase appetite, anti-cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, treat anemia, antioxidant, cancer prevention, and antimicrobial.
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