

Sido Muncul Vitamin C1000 + Zinc Orange

Maintain the immune system and supplementation of multivitamins and zinc.

Product Overview

Daily health supplement drink with a complete formulation of Vitamin C 1,000 mg plus Zinc as well as Vitamin E and Vitamin B to help maintain the immune system.

Health Benefits

Helps maintain the immune system and supplementation of multivitamins and zinc.

Active Ingredients

Mineral salt of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which is useful for vitamin C supplementation for the body. At 1,000 mg dose, it may treat sprue and bleeding gums, speed up the healing process after illness/surgery, meet vitamin needs of older adults, increase collagen production (Vitamin C Pocket Book, BPOM, 2020), keep healthy immune system (Zychowska et al, 2021) and contain antioxidants (Righi et al, 2019; Yimcharoen et al, 2019)

Contains many nutritious substances to boost healthy immune system and to treat various health problems (FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin, 1996)

Direction for Use
  • 1 time per day @1 bottle.
  • Shake before using. Best served chilled.

Unit, 150 ml.

Product Safety
  • Sido Muncul Vitamin C 1000+Zinc Orange is safe and complies with specifications for heavy metal and microbial contamination tests from the Laboratory of PT Industri Jamu Dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk which is certified by KAN and ISO 17025.
  • Sido Muncul Vitamin C 1000+Zinc Orange has been certified by Badan POM RI.
Lifestyle Suggestion

Get enough rest, exercise regularly, eat nutritious food and avoid stress.